Resolving an error in production with NeonDB

tldr: Exceeding 10 branches on a free plan breaks your DB connection

2 min read1 day ago

Tried going to the app URL. The landing page worked but everything requiring pulling and displaying data failed.

  • It looked like a pretty obscure error — frontend did not have a descriptive message.
  • Inspect → POST request shows DB error, console request failed, endpoint unavailable.
  • Tried TablePlus to see if a direct connection works. Similarly, endpoint unavailable
  • Went to the source (NeonDB). Checked the connection was idle.
  • Was on the verge of just upgrading the plan but noticed that none of the usage patterns seem to suggest that it needed an upgrade: compute horus low, storage, low, not much data transferred (it is a super simple CRUD app)
Screenshot of NeonDB project dashboard AFTER deleting some branches
  • Only number that stood out was branches 10/10. Turns out if you exceed/ have 10 branches, your DB connection will be suspended and it will be set as idle. Interesting but also nuts. Deleted some branches.




Written by Kahhow

Educator interested in data science, dance and full stack development